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Official Ubuntu PPA for Hirocoin Launched

1 min read
Image Credit: Unknown (if this is your work, reach out to me and I'll credit you!)

Hey folks!

I just launched the official Ubuntu PPA for Hirocoin. Keep your Hirocoin clients updated through Ubuntu's own packaging system.

So far it supports the latest LTS release, Precise Pangolin (12.04) and the current release, Saucy Salamander (13.10). Trusty Tahr (14.04) LTS will be added when it's released next week.

You can check that it's the official PPA by checking the GPG key I used to sign the package against Hiro Satou's (the lead developer for Hirocoin). His public key is available on the downloads page at the official Hirocoin website.

Use it in any supported Ubuntu release as follows:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:n00bsys0p/hirocoin
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install hirocoin-qt  # For the version with a GUI
sudo apt-get install hirocoind  # For the CLI version

Now every time you run a system software upgrade, your Hirocoin client/server will be updated to the latest version!
